Monday, July 20, 2009

1st Appt

We had our 1st appt on 7/16/09. It went pretty well. Baby measured just about perfect, I thought I was 6 weeks and 2 days but it measured 6 weeks and 1 day. Close enough :) All the important parts were there and we saw the heart beat, it was around 112. Doc said over 90 is fine but I'll go back in a week for another u/s to make sure the heart beat is increasing.

I was starting to feel icky while in the waiting room so I thought it was just nerves. Then of course I was nervous after we left because of the heart rate. I've looked up the stats for 6 weeks and baby falls in the range perfectly. The iky feeling turns out to be morning sickness...oh joy. I'm thankful for healthy signs but I sure do feel horrible. It's pretty constant throughout the day and has been everyday since my appt. I don't think we need to worry at all.