Monday, August 3, 2009

9 Weeks

Whew, made is this far. So my 7th week u/s went great. The heart beat increased to 149, very nice. My doctor gave me a prescription for Zofran (anti-nausea meds) to help with the queasies. I've only thrown up once, I mainly just dry heave. I'm only taking the pills when it's at the worst point, which so far has been about 5-6 times. Weeks 6 & 7 were the worst weeks of nausea and since then it's been calming down. Every day is different. I usually have a tiny bit of nausea, but it's such a small amount I can mostly ignore it. Then out of the blue I'll feel just terrible. Never know when it's going to hit.

Right before I hit 8 weeks, I started to bleed. It totally looked like I started my period and I just broke down knowing that was it. My history so far has sucked so I shouldn't be shocked but I really thought things were going to be perfect this time. I called my doctor crying and she told me to come over for an u/s. The second I saw the baby on the screen I started crying because the heart was just beating away. I couldn't believe it. It was a strong 177 bpm. We measured the baby which should have been around 7 weeks and 6 days, my little chubster was at 8 weeks and 3 days. He did lots of growing this past week. We found some bleeding around the placenta, must have been a tear. Maybe from all the dry heaving. I'm now on bed rest till my appointment on Aug 6th. We'll decide then if I need one more weeks rest. The bleeding really shouldn't affect the baby so I'm hoping to see him doing great on Thursday. Since my first bleed I have since stopped and only spotted brown blood for a couple days. I seem to be back to normal, just taking it easy and working from home in bed right now. Guess I should enjoy the rest :)