Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our Journey Thus Far

I have never blogged before and thought maybe writing things down will be a great venting process for me. So let's start with how we got to where we're at right now. In October of 2007 I stopped taking my birth control pills, which I had been on for 14 years straight, so we can start trying for baby number one. I knew to expect weird cycles for the next few months and thought nothing of my 6-7 week cycles. After 7 months had gone by, I started wondering why my cycles were getting longer instead of shorter. I tried using ovulation tests and never got positives.

So in September of 08 I found an OBGYN to consult with. We ran various blood tests for my hormones and ultrasounds and to my extreme surprise, I was diagnosed with PCOS. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I kept coming across PCOS in my own research but thought there was just no way I had that. I'm not overweight and I come from a very fertile family. So WTF happened here??? My OBGYN started talking about fertility treatments right away because I can't ovulate and my head was just spinning.

She sent me to an Endocronologist to check on my thyroid before we start any treatments and while there he mentioned an insulin drug called Metformin. Since he's the hormone doctor and PCOS is a hormone disorder I figured he was the guy to listen to. He said PCOS most commonly stems from insulin resistance and it didn't matter if tests showed I had a problem with that or not, the drug should help. It would help lower my testosterone which in turn would help me to ovulate. Okay, great! So I began Metformin in October and wouldn't you know, I ovulated for the first time ever after one week of taking it.

Well needless to say my husband and I got to work and 2 weeks later I was pregnant! WOW how much easier could that have been! So things were progressing great and then at 6 weeks the doctor noticed some light spotting in my exam. We did an ultrasound and found a heartbeat although it was okay it wasn't as high as she'd like it. I started progesterone supplements and was put on bed rest. My 8th week appointment was looking good, heartbeat was up. We came back for our 10th week appt, on xmas eve, thinking everything was perfect and the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat. How...Why??? I just couldn't believe this was happening. It took a while for it all to sink in and then I just coudn't stop crying. My dear sweet husband was devistated but held it together to take care of me. I ended up needing a D&C at 11 weeks. I never want to have to go through that again.

So I took 2 months off to recover physically and mentally. We started trying again the following month and I actually ovulated again, however it was really late, day 35. I thought there was no way that egg could be good. Well 2 weeks later I got a positive pregnancy test. It was very faint and I just had a weird feeling about it. I kept testing and the line never got darker and by 1 week later I started to miscarry. I was sad but I was expecting it.

So here we are in my 2nd TTC cycle. I have an appt next week for an ultrasound. As long as I don't have any cysts then I start Clomid. Hopefully that will get me to ovulate earlier in my cycle and with a better quality egg. If by chance I ovulate on my own this cycle early enough, we'll of course go for it :) But my hopes are not that high.

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