Monday, June 15, 2009

My Ovaries Are Kicking Ass

First of all congrats to my ovaries for their hard work and I say HARD WORK because boy did I feel it! Let's say it felt like I was dropping a mondo dinosaur egg LOL. I say "dropping" as if I'm a chicken laying an egg ha ha. Hopefully I got 1 really good egg out...who knows it could be 2 :) After starting to think this cycle was done and the Clomid didn't work, I got a positive ovulation test yesterday. Woot Woot!! I'm pretty sure I ovulated today (cd20) based on the discomfort...aka mondo dinosaur egg. We've done everything perfect. You can just call us the energizer bunnies he he. So I now happily take my seat in the two week wait and I'm sure within the next few days I'll be pulling my hair out and driving myself nuts with the anticipation. Oye I love & hate the 2ww.


  1. I've got my fingers crossed for you hunny! Go Go fertilization!!!

  2. Awesome Jen!! Hope your 2ww ends with a dark, no denying it BFP and a super sticky bean! Now send ME your 'Work GOOD Clomid!' dust! I'm nervous!!!
